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NC State ASCE officers attend Workshop for Student Chapter Leaders

The NC State Chapter of the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) officers attended the Workshop for Student Chapter Leaders in Charlotte, North Carolina, on January 20 and 21. The event brought together student chapter leaders, younger members, and section and branch leaders from ASCE Regions 1, 2, 4 and 5. 

NC State ASCE student officers

Officers learned about methods to building a successful student chapter, future projects of ASCE and ways to improve as a leader. They networked with a wide variety of student officers and industry professionals, including current ASCE President Maria C. Lehman and President-elect Marsia Geldert-Murphey. Sessions included workshops on goals and resources, team development and presentation skills. 

NC State ASCE student chapter officers with the ASCE President Maria Lehman and President-elect Marsia Geldert-Murphey.

“Being able to meet student leaders from different universities and hearing about what their ASCE chapters are doing motivated me to come back and plan engaging, fun events for our members. I also learned a lot about ASCE as an organization and how many resources they can provide throughout my academic and professional careers.”

Erica Mahoney, civil engineering student and vice president of NC State ASCE chapter

In addition to the networking opportunities, officers attended a social night that included food, music and dancing at the Panthers Den at the Bank of America Stadium in downtown Charlotte.

NC State ASCE officers at the Panthers Den social night