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Faculty Promotions

We are pleased to announce that we have had several faculty promoted during this year in recognition of their excellent contributions to research and teaching.


Dr. Emily BerglundDr. Emily Berglund was promoted to Professor. Berglund teaches courses in water resources engineering, hydrology, and systems analysis for civil engineering. Her research interests are in the development of new computational methodologies to explore the influence of feedbacks among social and infrastructure systems.





Dr. Casey Dietrich was promoted to Associate Professor with tenure. Dietrich, who leads the Coastal and Computational Hydraulics Team has developed computational models that predict storm surge and coastal flooding. He teaches courses in fluid mechanics and coastal engineering.





Dr. Jeremiah Johnson was granted tenure at the Associate Professor level. Johnson teaches courses related to sustainable engineering, life cycle assessment, and energy systems analysis. His research uses systems methods to evaluate the environmental impacts of changes to the power system, including those driven by technology (such as the integration of wind power, solar photovoltaics, and energy storage) and policy.




Dr. Greg LucierDr. Greg Lucier was promoted to Research Associate Professor. Lucier conducts research at the Constructed Facilities Lab using full scale structures. His work focuses on concrete design and he has recently helped develop a new interdisciplinary course called ‘Creations in Concrete’ which is a studio lab class that brings together architecture and civil engineering students to study precast concrete.




Dr. Brina MontoyaDr. Brina Montoya was promoted to Associate Professor with tenure. Her research  interests involve developing bio-mediated stabilization approaches to improve the sustainability and resiliency of infrastructure.

Montoya teaches courses in geotechnical engineering and soil mechanics at both the undergraduate and graduate level.




Dr. Shane Underwood was granted tenure at the Associate Professor level. Underwood teaches courses on pavement engineering and infrastructure material. His research focuses on materials, principally asphalt concrete, and their interaction with the natural and built environments. He is interested in the resilience of transportation materials and systems to the effects of technologies such as autonomous vehicles, as well as the effects of climate change and extreme weather events.