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MS Oral Exam: Ben Fonte

Room 206, Mann Hall Raleigh, NC, United States

Evaluation of the Time Temperature Superposition and Bitumen Bond Strength among Asphalt Tack Coats Under the Direction of Prof. Richard Kim 

Final Oral PhD Exam: Carlos Mario Zuluaga Santa

Room 206, Mann Hall Raleigh, NC, United States

Protecting Bridge Maintenance Workers: Evaluating Fall Protection Supplementary Devices using Virtual Prototyping and Wearable Technology Under the Direction of Prof. Alex Albert

Final Oral PhD Exam: Rosemary Cyriac

Room 206, Mann Hall Raleigh, NC, United States

Wind and Plume Driven Circulation in Estuarine Systems Under the Direction of Prof. Casey Dietrich

MS Final Oral Defense: Jeremy Smithheart

Room 206, Mann Hall Raleigh, NC, United States

"Exploring Vertical Mixing and Other Controls on Cyanobacteria Blooms in Shallow Eutrophic Reservoirs" Under the direction of Prof. Tarek Aziz and Prof. Daniel Obenour  

David Wang – Preliminary Oral PhD Exam

Room 206, Mann Hall Raleigh, NC, United States

Development of Performance-Volumetric Relationships and Performance-Engineered Mix Design Method for Asphalt Mixture Performance-Related Specifications Under the Direction of Prof. Y. Richard Kim  

MS Oral Exam – Kate Mueller

Room 206, Mann Hall Raleigh, NC, United States

"Using life cycle assessment and ecological payback period to evaluate commercial building replacement" Under the direction of Prof. Joseph DeCarolis