Summer Practicum
Welcome to the Civil Engineering Summer Practicum at North Carolina State University! The NCSU faculty are pleased that you are interested in the Practicum and invite you to explore this website and its links and to contact us for additional information.
The three-week summer program at NCSU provides a series of seminars, laboratories, and field trips related to civil, construction and environmental engineering. Practicum topics vary depending on the interests of the students and the availability of faculty, see our sample syllabus. Typical academic topics may include:
- Construction Engineering and Management
- Construction estimation and planning
- Construction scheduling
Field Trips: airport construction, high and interchange construction, building construction
- Environmental and Water Resources Engineering
- Principles of solid waste engineering
- Water supply and waste water systems
Field Trips: landfill and recycling plant, reservoir
- Geotechnical Engineering
- Engineering geology
- Site selection and foundation design
Field Trips: quarry, foundation construction
- Structural Engineering
- Earthquake engineering
- Structural modeling and analysis
Field Trips: Constructed Facilities Laboratory
- Transportation Engineering
- Highway network modeling and travel demand
- Traffic operations and highway capacity analysis
Field Trips:Transportation Management Center
- Special Topics
- Graduate school opportunities at NCSU
- The Civil Engineering profession in the Triangle Area
Field Trips: professional baseball, visits to other universities (UNC, Duke), graduation and picnic
- Construction Engineering and Management
Preliminary (sample) Syllabus
To register for the Summer Practicum, students should be in the last one to two years of their undergraduate program in Civil Engineering. They must have an American tourist visa and demonstrate an acceptable competency with the English language. Students are required to make and pay for their travel arrangements. The cost of the Practicum is determined by the number of students – the more students who participate, the lower the cost.
Housing for the Summer Practicum will be at the University Towers, a residence hall that is convenient to classrooms, libraries, and other activities. It is approximately a 10-minute walk from the University Towers to Mann Hall where the seminars are being conducted.
University Towers is a college dorm in which students share full-furnished, carpeted, air-conditioned suites. The suites consist of two bedrooms with two beds in each room and one bathroom.
Housing reservations for students are made by the Practicum staff when students register for the program. For more information regarding housing, please refer to the information from University Towers.
See our Practicum Gallery!
Questions? See our FAQ. Contact?
Telephone: 919-515-7732
Fax: 919-515-7908