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Mervyn Kowalsky

Aug 19, 2022

CCEE graduate student awarded fellowship from EERI/FEMA

CCEE Ph.D. candidate Jessi Thangjitham was one of two graduate students awarded the 2022-2023 Earthquake Engineering Research Institute (EERI)/Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) National Earthquake Hazards Reduction Program (NEHRP) Graduate… 

Jul 15, 2022

CCEE faculty, students gain valuable insights at 12NCEE

Eight CCEE undergraduate students, eight graduate students and three faculty members — Drs. Mervyn Kowalsky, Ashly Cabas and Andy Ziccareli — journeyed to Salt Lake City, Utah, on June 27… 

Jun 23, 2022

Graduate Student Spotlight: Jessi Thangjitham

Jessi Thangjitham is a fourth-year Ph.D. candidate with a concentration in structural and earthquake engineering. She grew up in Blacksburg, Virginia, and is advised by Dr. Mervyn Kowalsky. Thangjitham serves… 

May 9, 2016

NC State CCEE PhD Student to Serve on Ecuador Earthquake Reconnaissance Team

NC State Civil Engineering PhD Student Ana (Gabby) Haro is part of a team that will visit Ecuador to assess damage from the recent earthquake. Gabby will be traveling as part of… 

Mar 2, 2016

CCEE Researchers Develop a Portable Device to Estimate the Embedded Depth of Pile Foundations

Of North Carolina’s approximately 13,000 bridges, an estimated 40 percent are structurally deficient or functionally obsolete.  One of the main causes is scouring, the erosion of soil around the foundation.… 

Sep 30, 2015

New Research Projects in CCEE

In the first part of 2015, CCEE Faculty received over $5.1 million of research support from state, federal, and international sources to support 33 new projects. This support will enable…