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NC State’s Chapter of the National Society of Black Engineers wins Academic Tech Bowl

NSBE Academic Tech Bowl team (CCEE student Alvin Mutongi on far right)

NC State’s chapter of the National Society of Black Engineers (NSBE) won the Academic Tech Bowl competition at the 49th NSBE National Conference in Kansas City in March. The team included CCEE student Alvin Mutongi, who is studying civil engineering. The chapter also received Region 2 Medium Chapter of the Year.

The National Society of Black Engineers is one of the largest student-governed organizations based in the United States. Founded in 1975, NSBE supports and promotes the aspirations of collegiate and pre-collegiate students and technical professionals in engineering and technology. Its annual Academic Technical Bowl is a jeopardy-style game that challenges teams to answer questions of the fundamental principles of engineering covered in typical senior engineering standardized tests such as the Fundamentals of Engineering (FE) Exam, or Fundamentals of Surveying (FS) Exam.

Mutongi, who joined NSBE his freshman year and served as CI Chair on the 2022-23 Executive Board, said there were about a dozen other schools competing in the bowl. Questions covered a variety of topics including economics, mathematics and chemistry.

“It meant a lot to win the competition,” Mutongi said. “It was an opportunity to let other chapters know that NC State’s chapter of NSBE is back and in full effect, and we are a chapter that truly supports its members. NSBE has given me countless opportunities to improve my network, give back to my community, and become a better engineer. Next year, we will contend for the National Medium Chapter of the Year.”


A version of this story was first published in Park Scholarship News.