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Dr. Rudi Seracino elected Fellow of ACI

Dr. Rudi Seracino

Professor Dr. Rudi Seracino was elected a Fellow of the American Concrete Institute (ACI). Less than 5% of ACI members earn this recognition. Candidates, who are required to have been members of ACI for at least 15 years, are recognized for their outstanding contributions to the production or use of concrete materials, products, and structures in the areas of education, research, development, design, construction, or management. They are also elected for their significant contributions to ACI through committees and/or local chapters.


“Being elected a Fellow is a prestigious recognition of an individual’s contribution to ACI and the concrete industry.”

Ronald G. Burg, executive vice president of ACI

Seracino and the other fellows will be recognized at the ACI Spring 2023 Concrete Convention on April 2 in San Francisco.

In addition to teaching structural engineering, Seracino also serves as the NC State site director of the National Science Foundation Industry-University Cooperative Research Center (IUCRC) for the Integration of Composites into Infrastructure (CICI). His research interests are broadly in the application of advanced materials and systems to enhance the resilience of critical civil infrastructure, including the application of advanced fiber reinforced polymers (FRP) in the development of FRP systems for the repair or strengthening of existing concrete infrastructure. His research includes large-scale destructive testing at the Constructed Facilities Laboratory and analytical modeling.

Read more about Seracino’s research and achievements here.