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CCEE Post-Doc wins first place in NC State pitch competition

Harleen Sandhu

CCEE Post-Doctoral Research Scholar Harleen Sandhu won first place in the NC State Postdoctoral Association’s Postdoc Pitch Competition on September 21. The event, which was held as part of National Postdoc Appreciation Week, involved 19 competitors who presented their research in two minutes without any slides or images. Sandhu’s speech was titled “Twin Tech’s Clean, Safe Emission Dream.”

Sandhu’s research interests include machine learning, artificial neural networks, digital twin technology for nuclear safety systems, autonomous management, structural dynamics, structural analysis, high performance computing, and asset management in construction design. She earned her Ph.D. in civil engineering in 2021, working closely with Professor Abhinav Gupta to develop the fragility analysis of concrete gravity dams against dam structure and dam foundation failure.