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CCEE alumnus receives NC State’s Watauga Medal

Glenn Futrell, right, with the other two 2021 Watauga Medal winners, Bob Mattocks and Suzanne Gordon

CCEE alumnus Glenn Futrell (BSCE 1963, MSCE 1965) received the Watauga Medal, NC State University’s highest nonacademic honor, at a Sept. 9 ceremony at Talley Student Union. The Board of Trustees presents the annual award to recognize individuals who have made significant contributions to the advancement of NC State.

“Glenn is a longtime, dedicated advocate for the college and university,” said NC State Chancellor Randy Woodson at the awards ceremony. “He has truly set an example when it comes to serving his alma mater.”

A native of Wayne County, N.C., Futrell began his career as a staff engineer for Law Engineering and Testing Co. in Charlotte before forming Soil & Material Engineers, a company that grew to more than 1,000 employees across 35 branch offices in 10 states. 

Futrell retired in 1990 and turned his talents to successful real estate development and service to his community and to the university, which includes 20 years on the Engineering Foundation Board. He also served eight years on the Student Aid Association Board, three years on the Board of Visitors, and as a member of the fundraising committee for Fitts-Woolard Hall.

“I met Glenn early in my tenure as department head, and he has always been someone who really cared and wanted to help the department. I am grateful for his support.” says Morton Barlaz, head of the CCEE Department.

Futrell and his wife Phyllis have been generous to several areas at the university, with support for scholarships and two endowed professorships in civil engineering, as well as ongoing gifts to areas including athletics and the College of Engineering.

This story originally appeared on NC State’s News website.