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McGlamery receives 2016 Award for Excellence

The following article has been adapted from the NCSU College of Engineering website. Please click here to read the original article.

GingerMcGlameryThe College of Engineering at North Carolina State University gave three outstanding staff members Awards for Excellence at a ceremony held April 18 at the Monteith Research Center on NC State’s Centennial Campus. Dr. Louis Martin-Vega, dean of the College of Engineering, presented the awards.

The 2016 Awards for Excellence went to Hamid Akbari of Industry Expansion Solutions, John “Steve” Cameron of the Department of Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering and Ginger McGlamery of the Department of Civil, Construction and Environmental Engineering.

McGlamery is the director of finance and administration in the Department of Civil, Construction, and Environmental Engineering. Her position provides her with a large degree of responsibility, including management of the department’s budget and state and research budgets numbering in the millions of dollars, as well as employee training and development. She has also worked to develop a workbook that allows department leaders to review departmental budgets in one place, coordinate all revenue sources and expenditures and create plans for expenditure management and reconciling.