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From the Department Head

Dr. Jacqueline MacDonald Gibson

It is hard to know where to begin to describe all of the great aspects of the department.  With over 53 faculty, more than 770 undergraduate students, and over 300 graduate students, NC State University’s Department of Civil, Construction, and Environmental Engineering (CCEE) is one of the largest departments in the country and more importantly, one of the best.  In 2022, our Environmental Engineering and Civil Engineering degrees were ranked 21st and 26th in the country, respectively.

We are proud of the quality education that we offer at the undergraduate level.  We invite the best and the brightest to enter our department and mentor them through their formative years.  Students have many opportunities for professional growth through student chapters of professional societies as well as through special events throughout the year.  Students are also encouraged to consider becoming involved in undergraduate research.  While we are among the largest undergraduate programs in the U.S., we treat each student as an individual.

At the graduate level, we offer traditional Master’s and Ph.D. degrees with the opportunity to specialize in a wide range of topics in civil, construction, and environmental engineering.  We are also a leader in distance education. Students can earn a Master of Civil or Environmental Engineering degree without ever setting foot on campus. CCEE’s online Master of Civil Engineering program was ranked No. 4 in the country on US News & World Report’s 2022 Best Online Programs list.

Our research programs and facilities are world-class.  CCEE encourages active collaboration and cross-disciplinary activities and has a strong commitment to innovative research. The department partners with industry and government to conduct research at the cutting edge of science and technology.  Our laboratories contain a variety of special equipment for research in construction materials, construction engineering, coastal processes, environmental engineering, hydraulics, soils, structures and mechanics, and transportation systems.

Our faculty members are the winners of numerous awards and honors, are active as editors and associate editors for leading scholarly journals, and are actively involved in the organization of national and international conferences.  Most importantly, the research that we perform today has both immediate impact and serves as the foundation for safe and sustainable infrastructure in the future.

We welcome your interest and support. These pages will help you find out more about the department and how you can share in its success, whether as a student, faculty member, alum, donor or friend. There are many ways to benefit and to give.

Dr. Jacqueline MacDonald Gibson 

CCEE Department Head

Our Department’s Mission

The mission of the Department of Civil, Construction, and Environmental Engineering is to provide:

  • High-quality undergraduate programs that continually incorporate advances in civil engineering technology.
  • Post-baccalaureate educational programs to satisfy the increasing need for highly educated engineers in various specialty areas of civil engineering.
  • Research activities consistent with the responsibilities of a research institution to develop new technology for the solution of emerging problems and to support programs of graduate education.
  • Extension and public service activities through the development of professional technical assistance and continuing education programs.