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CCEE’s Kevin Han tapped as Edward I. Weisiger Distinguished Scholar 

Kevin Han

CCEE Associate Professor Kevin Han was named an Edward I. Weisiger Distinguished Scholar by NC State. Han first joined CCEE in 2016 as an assistant professor and received tenure in 2022.

“Such honors are reserved for NC State’s most exceptional scholars,” said Louis A. Martin-Vega, dean of the College of Engineering, in a notification letter. “I look forward to supporting [his] continued success and achievement.”

Han teaches building information modeling in construction, mechanical and electrical systems for buildings; visual sensing for civil infrastructure engineering; and management and design of a robotic computer vision system for autonomous navigation. 

His research focuses on creating and validating new computer vision and machine learning analytics that leverage emerging and often already existing visual data (images, videos, and point cloud data) and building information monitoring for effective construction project controls, enhancing site-to-office and office-to-site communications, safety and hazard recognition, and safety training and monitoring. He is particularly interested in new modalities of information and user interaction, including Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality and Augmented Virtuality. Other areas of interest include robotics for automating management of civil infrastructure systems (subtopics to include autonomous navigation for data collection and analytics) and project-based learning for STEM education.

Learn more about Han’s research and background here.