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Student Ambassadors help point the way

The Civil, Construction, and Environmental Engineering (CCEE) department created the Student Ambassador program three years ago to ensure student representation at events such as Engineering Open House, as well as the growing demand for tours of our labs. “We felt that having peer-to-peer representation at recruiting events would make prospective students feel more at ease, perhaps encouraging them to ask more questions,” said Dr. Rudi Seracino, Associate Head for undergraduate programs. “As more people are aware of the program, we’ve had more requests for their presence at events, and we’ve had more students applying.”

There are 10 student ambassadors this year, representing each of our degree programs, and ranging from sophomores to seniors. Students must apply to be part of the program, and are chosen based on their ability to communicate confidently, their range of experiences, and their willingness to commit to participating in several events during the year. They must also maintain an overall GPA of 2.5 or higher.

What does CCEE stand for?

Many prospective CCEE students are limited in their understanding of the breadth of sub-disciplines within CCEE, or what types of jobs are available. One question that gets asked often is “What do civil engineers do?”

Grant Jacob is a senior who will graduate this spring in civil engineering with an interest in transportation planning.

“I felt that this would be a great opportunity to show prospective students all the different paths that can be taken within the department. I was unaware of the field of transportation planning until spending time in the department. I felt that from my own experience I could show students something they might be passionate about – something they might not even know exists.”  Grant Jacob

Meagan Surane, who is a junior, says she changed her focus in engineering several times before she decided on environmental engineering and believes her experience will help others as they make decisions.

“I have done a summer internship, participated in undergraduate research, and am planning to study abroad. I will be able to speak first hand to the planning process associated with each of these opportunities. I admire the department for having this program to serve as a liaison between incoming students and those who have already made these decisions and overcome certain hurdles.” Meagan Surane

Ryleigh Burns is a junior in construction engineering.

 “Personally, I was not clear as to the opportunities in CCEE and the types of jobs that I could expect. I want people to understand what construction engineering entails, as well as know how great this department is about getting student internships, jobs, and endless opportunities. This department has done a lot for me, and I would like to give back and show others how great CCEE is at NCSU.”  Ryleigh Burns

Sarah Interlicchia is a civil engineering student who is interested in geotechnical engineering.

“The benefits of being an Ambassador go both ways. I think I will improve my leadership and communication skills.”    Sarah Interlicchia

Silvana Alfieri is a junior in environmental engineering with an interest in water resources.

“I will have the opportunity to learn more about our department and the field of environmental engineering through conversations with department faculty and other ambassadors.”    Silvana Alfieri

Leah Hart has been an ambassador for two years.

“I wanted to become a student ambassador because I love interacting with prospective students. I remember how it felt to be afraid of the unknown when it came to going to college, so I like to be able to answer students’ questions about CCEE, as well as general student life to hopefully help ease their worries.”   Leah Hart

Kevin Carney is a civil engineering student with a focus on Structures.

“I feel I am able to relate well to first year engineering students here at NC State and to prospective college students.  Not too long ago, I was in their shoes and remember what it felt like to face such big decisions.  I hope to be able to guide many of these students in the right direction.”    Kevin Carney