CCEE’s Dr. Abhinav Gupta named to External Advisory Board of METIS
CCEE professor and director of NC State’s Center for Nuclear Energy Facilities and Structures Dr. Abhinav Gupta was named to the External Advisory Board of the Methods and Tools Innovations for Seismic Risk Assessment (METIS) Project. Launched in September 2020, METIS brings together 16 partners from nine different countries focused on three facets of seismic risk assessment of nuclear reactors — hazard, fragility and consequence — to improve the Probabilistic Safety Assessment methodology and develop tools for the more accurate evaluation of nuclear power plant resilience under different seismic conditions.
“It is an honor for me to serve on the advisory board of this European Commission project that is a very high-profile consortium these days,” Gupta said.
Gupta conducts research at the intersection of four interdisciplinary domains: structural engineering and mechanics, energy infrastructure, construction management, and computational/data science. His group works on using AI and deep-learning approaches for developing the Digital Twin technology in the areas of structural health monitoring and construction management using reality capture. Applications have focused on modeling degradation due to Alkali-Silica Reactor (ASR) and Chloride diffusion in concrete structures as well as flow assisted corrosion in nuclear piping systems. He also works on developing efficient Bayesian approaches for probabilistic risk assessment (PRA) and model updating.
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