
Selected Publications

Sciaudone, E. and Velasquez-Montoya, L., 2019. Beach and dune impacts due to Hurricane Florence in Dare County, North Carolina. Shore & Beach, Vol. 87, No. 2, Spring 2019, 44-49.

Velasquez-Montoya, L. Sciaudone, E.J., Mitasova, H., Overton, M. F. 2018. Observation and modeling of the evolution of an ephemeral storm-induced inlet: Pea Island Breach. North Carolina, USA. Continental Shelf Research, 156, p 55-69.

Sciaudone, E. J., Velasquez-Montoya, L., Smyre, E.A. and Overton, M. F. Spatial and temporal variability in dune field: Pea Island, North Carolina. Shore & Beach, Coastal Observations, Vol. 84, No. 2, Spring 2016.

Overton, M. Guest Editorial: Coastal Dunes Essential to a Resilient Coast, Shore & Beach, Vol. 82 No. 4, Fall 2014.

Mitasova H., Harmon R.S., Weaver K.J., Lyons, N.J. and Overton, M.F., 2012, Scientific visualization of landscapes and landforms, Geomorphology 137(1), p. 122-137.

Mitasova H., Hardin E., Starek, M.J., Harmon R.S,. and Overton, M.F, 2011, Landscape dynamics from LiDAR data time series, In: Geomorphometry 2011, Hengl, T., Evans, I.S., Wilson, J.P., Gould, M. (eds.), Redlands, CA, p. 3-6.

Mitasova, H., E. Hardin, M. Kurum, M. Overton, 2010. “Geospatial analysis of vulnerable beach-foredune systems from decadal time series of lidar data”, Journal of Coastal Conservation, Management and Planning, COI 10.1007/s11852-010-008-1.

Ewing, L., D. Stauble, P. Work, B. Edge, M. Loeffler, J. Kaihatu, M. Overton, J. Waters, K, Suzuki, R. Dean, M. Garrett, E. Wiggins, G. Gregory, “Field investigation of Hurricane Ike impacts to the upper Texas coast”, Shore and Beach, Vol. 77, No. 2, Spring 2009.

Pelletier, J., H. Mitasova, M. Overton, R, Harmon, 2009. “Numerical modeling of recent eolian dune field evolution at Jockey’s Ridge, North Carolina, accepted Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, in press.

Mitasova, H., M. Overton, J.J. Recalde, 2009. “Raster-based Analysis of Coastal Terrain Dynamics from Multi-temporal Lidar Data”, Journal of Coastal Research, 25 (2), pp. 507-514.

Mitasova, H., M. Overton, and R. Harmon, “Geospatial analysis of a coastal sand dune field evolution:  Jockey’s Ridge, North Carolina”, Geomorphology, Vol. 72, pp. 204-221, 2005.

Overton, M. F. and J. S. Fisher, “Hurricane Isabel and the NC 12 Hotspots”, Shore and Beach, Vol. 72, No. 2, pp. 30-35, Spring 2004.

Judge, E. K., Overton M. F. and J. S. Fisher, “Vulnerability Indicators for Coastal Dunes”, Journal of Waterway, Port, Coastal and Ocean Engineering, Vol. 129, No. 6, November/December 2003, pp. 270-278.

Judge, E. K. and M. F. Overton, “Remote Sensing of Barrier Island Morphology: Evaluation of Photogrammetry-derived Digital Terrain Models”, Journal of Coastal Research , Vol. 17, No 1, pp. 207-220, 2001.

Judge, E. K., C. M. Garriga and M.F. Overton, “Topographic analysis of dune volume and position, Jockey’s Ridge State Park, North Carolina”, Shore and Beach, Vol. 68, No 4, pp.18-24, 2000.

Overton, M. F., Grenier, R. R., Jr., Judge, E. K. and J. S. Fisher, “Identification and Analysis of Coastal Erosion Hazard Areas: Dare and Brunswick Counties, North Carolina”, Journal of Coastal Research, Special Issue #28, pp. 69-84, 1999.

Selected Conference Proceedings

Velasquez-Montoya, L. Sciaudone, E. J., Overton, M. F. “Response of Oregon Inlet to Pea Island Breaching” In International Conference on Coastal Engineering, Baltimore, MD, USA, 2018.

Sciaudone, E. J., Velasquez-Montoya, L., Overton, M. F., Smyre, E. “Long-term shoreline monitoring and prediction, Pea Island”. n International Conference on Coastal Engineering, Baltimore, MD, USA, 2018.

Velasquez-Montoya, L. and Overton M. “Impacts of seasonal forcings on the hydrodynamics of Oregon Inlet”. In Coastal Dynamics, Helsingor, Denmark, 2017.

Velasquez, L., Sciaudone, E., Mitasova, H. and Overton, M. “Multi-Temporal Geospatial Analysis of the Evolution and Closing of Pea Island Breach, NC”, In Coastal Sediments ’15, San Diego, California. (poster)

Karanci, A., Kurum, M. O., Overton, M., “Land Cover Effect on dune erosion and overwash”, In International Conference on Coastal Engineering (ICCE) Seoul, South Korea, 2014.

Kurum, M.O., Overton, M.F. and Mitasova, H., “Land cover and sediment layers as controls of inlet breaching”, In International Conference on Coastal Engineering (ICCE), Santarder, Spain, 2012.

Overton, M.F., Edge, B., Dalrymple, R.A., Herault, A., Bilotta, G., and Kurum, M.O., “Application of GPU smooth particle hydrodynamics: Wave runup and overtopping on composite slopes.”, In International Conference on Coastal Engineering (ICCE) , Santander, Sapin, 2012.

Brown, E. and M. Overton, 2011. Visualizing evolving landforms due to sea level rise, Coastal Sediments ’11, Miami, Florida.

Kurum, M. O., Mitasova, H. and M. Overton, 2011. Geospatial techniques to derive short term dynamics of coastal morphology, Coastal Sediments ’11, Miami, Florida.

Hardin, E., Mitasova, H. and M. Overton, 2011. Quantification and characterization of terrain evolution in the outer banks, NC, Coastal Sediments ’11, Miami, Florida.

Jin, Q. and M. Overton, 2011. Quantitative analysis of coastal dune erosion based on geomorphology features and model simulation, Coastal Sediments ’11, Miami, Florida.

Kurum, M. O., H. Mitasova, B. Edge, M. Overton, 2010 “Effects of Coastal Landform Changes on Storm Surge along the Hatteras Island Breach”, 32nd International Conference on Coastal Engineering, Shanghai, China.

Mitasova, H., E. Hardin, M. Overton, and R. Harmon, 2009. “New spatial measures of terrain dynamics derived from time series of lidar data”, Geoinformatics, accepted.

Edge, B. L., Y. H. Park, and M. F. Overton, “Experimental Study of Overwash”, Coastal Sediments ’07, New Orleans, May 2007.

Overton, M. F., H. Mitasova, N. Vanderbeke, J. J. Recalde, “Morphological evolution of a shoreline on a decadal time scale” Proceedings of the 30th International Conference on Coastal Engineering, San Diego, CA, November 2006

Mitas, O., M. Overton, H. Mitasova, R. Harmon, “Geospatial Analysis of Dynamic Geomorphological Features and Their Management: Jockey’s Ridge Sand Dunes Case Study”, GIS-Planet, Estoril, Portugal, June 2005. (abstract and presentation).

Mitasova, H., M. Overton, R. Harmon, O. Mitas, D. Bernstein, and C. Freeman, “Multi-Temporal digital Elevation Models of the Largest East Coast Sand Dune: Jockey’s Ridge, North Carolina”, Coastal Geo-Tools ’05, Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, March 2005. (poster)

Overton, M. F., J. S. Fisher and R. Dolan, “Interpreting Shoreline Position Data Post Construction of the Oregon Inlet Terminal Groin” presented at the 29th International Conference on Coastal Engineering, Lisbon, Portugal, September 2004, Vol. 3, pp. 2462-2470, 2005.

Mitasova, H., M. Overton, D. Bernstein and R. Harmon, “Assessing Coastal Hazards Using Recent 3-D Evolution of Beach Geomorphology Based on LIDAR and RTK-GPS Surveys” presented at the 29th International Conference on Coastal Engineering, Lisbon, Portugal, September 2004,Vol. 3.pp.3162-3172, 2005.

Knisel, J. M., S. B. Benton, and M. F. Overton, “Assessment of Inlet Hazard Areas of Environmental Concern using Rectified Aerial Photography for Improved Management of Coastal Development in North Carolina”, The Coastal Society’s 19th Biennial Conference, Rhode Island (presentation and published abstract), 2004.

Mitasova, H., M. Overton, and R. Harmon, “Combining data from different lidar surveys and photogrammetry to quantify short-term topographic change on North Carolina coast”, ASPRS Annual Conference, Denver, Colorado May 23 to 28, 2004 (presentation and abstract).

Knisel, J. M., Benton, S. B., and M. F. Overton, “Inlet Hazard Area Delineation for Hatteras Inlet, North Carolina Using Rectified Historical Aerial Photography.” Proceedings of the 13th Biennial Coastal Zone Conference. Baltimore, MD (poster and published abstract), 2003.

Overton, M. F., E. K. Judge and J. S. Fisher, “Erosion Resistance- A New Vulnerability Indicator for Coastal Dunes”, Proc. 28th International Conference on Coastal Engineering, Cardiff, Wales 2002, pp. 2862-2874.

Wright, L. E., J. S. Fisher and M. F. Overton, “Development of a Risk Index for Storm Induced Damage to Oceanfront Structures”, Proceedings of the SOLUTIONS TO COASTAL DISASTERS 2002 Conference, San Diego, February 2002.

Judge, E. K., M. F. Overton and J. S. Fisher, “Long-term Erosion Rates and Shoreline Position Databases: Merging Two and Three Dimensional Data Sets”, Coastal Zone Management 2001, Cleveland, Ohio, July 2001.

Overton, M. F., J. S. Fisher and E. K. Judge, “A three dimensional model for the analysis of barrier island morphologic change”, Proc. 27th International Conference on Coastal Engineering, Sidney, Australia, July 2000, pp. 2740-2751.

Selected Student Work

Cole, Jeffrey C., 1989. “Vulnerability Analysis of North Carolina Coastal Highways”. A project submitted to the Graduate Faculty of North Carolina State University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Civil Engineering. Raleigh, NC, 74 p.